
Pronouns in the Legal Profession

01.24.2022 | Noon - 1 p.m. CT

Pronouns are a way to communicate to those around you how you'd like to be referred to and also lets others know that you will respect their gender identity and choice of pronouns. Accidentally misgendering someone can be embarrassing, create tension, reinforce biases, and also lead to communication breakdowns in the legal workplace or setting.

In this session, Dr. Genny Beemyn will explain the evolving scientific and social understanding behind gender and its impact on the modern law firm. They will also teach attorneys how the usage of pronouns builds inclusivity within law firms and with clients. Stinson partners Andrew Davis and Timothy Griffin will also discuss their recent pro bono representation of a transgender high school student underscoring the importance of recognizing pronouns.


CLE is pending in CO, KS, MN, MO, NE and TX.


For questions regarding this event, please email Ruth Leonard.


Register online to attend this webinar.

Event Contact

Theresa Gaul
Events Specialist

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