
The New Antitrust Frontier in HR

WebinarBenchmarking & Worker Non-Competes
07.30.2024 | 12 - 1 p.m. CT

Please join us for a webinar discussing the most recent antitrust issues affecting HR professionals. Topics will include the current status of the challenges to the FTC's non-compete rule banning most employee and contractor covenants not-to-compete, and the antitrust regulator's newfound skepticism of benchmarking.

The webinar will help HR professionals and business leaders understand and prepare for the FTC non-compete rule, regardless of legal challenges to the rule, and best practices for wage and salary benchmarking to mitigate antitrust risks.

CLE & SHRM credit is pending in the following states: CO, FL, KS, MN, MO and NE.

Register online to attend this event. 

Event Contact

Theresa Gaul
Events Specialist

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