
Aerospace Attorney Bryan Rose Joins Stinson LLP in Denver

Press Release

Stinson LLP is pleased to welcome Partner Bryan Rose to our Transportation practice group in Denver. Rose brings extensive experience in complex litigation across a variety of industries. 

A certified private pilot, Rose has a unique understanding of his clients' needs in the manufacturing, transportation and aerospace sectors. He has represented original equipment manufacturers, component manufacturers, airlines, Part 135 operators, Part 145 repair stations, fixed base operators, pilots and mechanics. 

"Bryan brings a wealth of experience in the aerospace and manufacturing industries that complement and enhance our firm's transportation practice,” said Jim Bertrand, chair of the division that includes the Transportation practice group. “He has an impressive background and skill set, and is able to offer our clients a wide variety of services. We look forward to working with him and supporting his practice."

Additionally, Rose handles matters related to intellectual property, trade secrets, trademarks, contracts, products liability, injury and fraud for his clients. His background as a police officer solidified his fact gathering, investigation and negotiation skills, as well as his ability to handle high-stress situations. 

Aviation, railroad and trucking entities of all sizes depend on Stinson's skilled transportation attorneys. Our broad scope of service encompasses the needs of transportation companies, as well as the shippers who use their services, and the equipment vendors and manufacturers who serve the industry. We play an active role in local, regional and national transportation industry associations, and frequently present and write on pertinent issues concerning companies in the industry.


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