
Best Lawyers in America Recognizes 23 Stinson Attorneys as "Ones to Watch"

Press Release

Twenty-three Stinson LLP attorneys are recognized on the inaugural Best Lawyers in America® "Ones to Watch" list. The list includes attorneys who are earlier in their careers and have achieved outstanding professional excellence in private practice based on peer review.

Stinson's 2022 Ones to Watch include:

Minneapolis, MN

Benjamin D. Eastburn, Commercial Litigation

Aalok K. Sharma, Commercial Litigation, Entertainment and Sports Law

William D. Thomson, Commercial Litigation

Greta Bauer Reyes, Litigation - Labor and Employment

David J. Dobmeyer, Real Estate Law

Melinda Dugas, Real Estate Law

Iain M. Johnson, Real Estate Law

Ivy A. LeTourneau, Real Estate Law

Nicholas D. Lyden, Real Estate Law

St. Louis, MO

Jenna R. Hueneger, Banking and Finance Law

Julie C. Scheipeter, Commercial Litigation, Litigation - Patent

Benjamin D. Woodard, Commercial Litigation, Labor and Employment Law - Management

Jonathan G. Pollmann, Intellectual Property Law, Patent Law

Dallas, TX

Alexander B. Hinckley, Commercial Litigation

A. Erin Marino, Real Estate Law

Denver, CO

Ryan M. Sugden, Commercial Litigation, Litigation - Real Estate

Phoenix, AZ

Michael Vincent, Commercial Litigation

Javier Torres, Litigation - Labor and Employment

Kansas City, MO

Samuel Butler, Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law

Kristen Ellis Johnson, Environmental Law

Christopher B. Sevedge, Insurance Law

Erin M. Naeger, Labor and Employment Law - Management

Wichita, KS

Christina J. Hansen, Labor and Employment Law - Management

Media Contact

Elle Moxley
Media Relations Manager

Amanda Bowling
Director of Marketing

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