
Dillon, Keppler Discuss Wage Transparency Laws in Bloomberg Column

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Stinson LLP Partners Ashley Dillon and Molly Keppler authored a column for Bloomberg Law, "Pay Attention to State Pay Transparency Laws When Posting Jobs," concerning the new wave of pay transparency laws affecting employers and the actions employers should take to comply with those laws. Dillon and Keppler surveyed the laws and provide insight on the compliance impact on employers.

Several states and localities continue to push for advancements in employee rights and employee-friendly regulations by requiring employers to unveil a position's pay range and benefits information in job postings. Colorado was the first state to enact wage transparency legislation in 2021. Since then, at least 14 other states and localities have followed.

"The prevalence of pay transparency laws has left some employers confused about how these new laws impact their ability to recruit across state lines, especially with varied technical requirements of laws state to state. The proliferation of remote work adds another layer of complexity when determining who must comply with these law," the attorneys write. "Employers who anticipate recruiting across multiple jurisdictions, including for remote positions, should develop job postings that comply with the strictest pay transparency requirements rather than distribute different job postings for other states."

The attorneys emphasize that when adapting to changing regulations, employers should be vigilant in ensuring compliance in this regulated environment, especially when employers anticipate posting jobs that could be filled remotely or across state lines. The column stresses that "[a] lack of knowledge about regulations is not a defense for non-compliance. Employers should regularly review job postings to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and seek counsel as needed."

Dillon focuses her practice on advising employers on all areas of employment law compliance and human resources practices. She represents a wide range of companies in employment and complex business disputes, whether matters are pending in federal or state court or before an administrative agency. Dillon is dedicated to understanding each client's business and industry to provide thoughtful representation at each stage of litigation.

Keppler focuses her practice on representing and advising employers. She serves as a strategic legal adviser to her clients, providing practical business and legal solutions in all areas of employment law compliance. Keppler is also an experienced litigator and negotiator, and frequently represents employers in state and federal court and before administrative agencies.

Sign in to Bloomberg Law to read the full column.

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