
Nick Zluticky Publishes on Risks Associated with Insolvent Retail Debtors

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Partner Nick Zluticky recently published an article in the Turnaround Management Association’s Journal of Corporate Renewal on the risks involved in doing business with administratively insolvent retail debtors, and strategies suppliers should consider to minimize exposure. He details recent retail bankruptcy cases and the challenges faced by suppliers, as well as lessons to be learned.

“Retail bankruptcies pose difficult quandaries for suppliers: continue shipping goods and risk administrative insolvency by the debtor or cut off future shipments and lose a potentially significant customer,” Nick writes. “Each supplier should evaluate its individual circumstances to determine the best path forward.”

In his bankruptcy practice, Nick represents a broad range of clients in all areas of bankruptcy, receiverships, foreclosures, out of court workouts and restructurings. He represents banks of all sizes nationwide in bankruptcy proceedings and related litigation. Nick has worked on some of the largest bankruptcy cases in the country, including representing the debtor in a case dubbed a "Transaction of the Year" by the Turnaround Management Association. He was recently named to the American Bankruptcy Institute’s 40 Under 40 list.

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