
Stinson's Labor Relations Attorneys Provide Advice to Nonunion Employers in Law360 Article

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Stinson LLP attorneys Stacey McClurkin Macklin and Grant Mulkey authored an article, "4 Ways Nonunion Employers Can Make Workers Feel Heard," for Law360. They advise employers to take a revised approached in fostering positive employee relations as employees continue to raise workplace concerns and issues.

McClurkin and Mulkey note that "organized labor is having a moment that hasn't been seen in years, and union organizing campaigns can gain irreversible momentum quickly," as companies big and small have faced significant labor organizing efforts in the last year. These efforts are expanding into industries that historically have not been heavily unionized.

"Nonunionized companies should aim to create an environment where employees feel able to raise and express concerns without fear of retaliation. It is vital for companies to develop a platform for employees to raise workplace concerns and issues," McClurkin and Mulkey write.

The authors state that "The time is now for companies to revise how they navigate today's landscape of increased labor organizing," and provide four areas of focus for companies to help foster positive employee relations:

  1. Provide management with the tools to build positive employee relations.
  2. Encourage open communication between management and employees.
  3. Have clear policies and practices.
  4. Remain competitive in the job market.

McClurkin's practice focuses on traditional labor law matters, including collective bargaining, contract administration, and representing clients in grievance arbitrations and administrative proceedings. As a former National Labor Relations Board attorney and EEO counselor, McClurkin has a unique understanding and perspective of the law, allowing her to effectively guide clients toward their business goals while maintaining desired employee relations.

Mulkey's practice provides thoughtful and diligent representation to clients facing traditional labor law matters, collective bargaining negotiations, and general employment issues. As a former Senior Counsel for Labor Relations for the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, Mulkey uses this experience to provide a unique and valuable perspective when advising clients in labor relations matters. 

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