
Zane Gilmer Publishes in Bloomberg Law on CBD False Labeling and Advertising

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As CBD products have risen in popularity, so have the allegations against them, including false advertising and false labeling cases. These lawsuits have alleged misstatements in the amount of CBD in the product, the amount of THC in the product, and improper advertising as “all natural” or “organic.”

Partner Zane Gilmer published a recent insight in Bloomberg Law detailing allegations commonly faced by companies selling CBD products, as well as a number of strategies those companies can follow.

“Labeling and advertising lawsuits against CBD companies are often vulnerable to motions to dismiss for pleading and proof deficiencies,” writes Zane. “That said, CBD companies should be proactive in evaluating their current labeling and advertising material to ensure the accuracy of the content in order to minimize their risk of being named as a defendant in the first place.”

With a background in securities, banking and compliance, Zane is an experienced litigator representing financial services firms and others in highly regulated industries. Clients seek his advice on emerging legal issues to learn how existing frameworks will apply to new industries, such as legalized cannabis. He frequently represents individuals and companies in high-stakes litigation involving business and investment disputes, banks and other financial institutions, cannabis investors, and others.


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