
Anastasia Stull Opines on CFPB Compliance Amid the Agency's Uncertain Future in Law360

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Stinson LLP Partner Anastasia Stull is featured in a Law360 article providing insight for financial institutions navigating compliance during the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) shutdown under the Trump administration.

In "CFPB's Closure Not 'A Free Pass' For Financial Compliance," Stull and other financial services attorneys examine the uncertainty stemming from the new administration's closing of the agency, halting CFPB enforcement and regulatory activities, though existing regulations and consent orders are still in effect. They state that underlying statutes, including private rights of action for consumers, are still in place, and plaintiffs' attorneys and state regulators may step in to enforce compliance.

"We are advising our financial institutions and other organizations that are subject to [the CFPB's] oversight while they're in this period of immense regulatory uncertainty [that] it doesn't mean that they should ditch compliance in the hopes that the CFPB will cease to exist," Stull said.

Stull notes that while the Trump administration may seek to dismantle the CFPB, doing so would require congressional action, and it's unclear whether there is enough support in Congress to make that happen. She encourages firms to continue to maintain their compliance operations and work with outside counsel to track developments concerning the agency on a daily basis.

Stull advises financial institutions, payments companies, FinTechs and non-bank lenders in consumer, commercial and institutional matters, with an emphasis on emerging financial products and services. She has significant regulatory experience in supervisory and enforcement matters and has successfully represented top 10 national, regional and community banks on traditional banking law issues.

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