Frantze's Involvement with KC Current, First Stadium Built for Women's Sports Team Highlighted in Law360
Stinson LLP Partner David Frantze is featured in a Law360 Real Estate Authority article, "Women's Soccer Stadium Breaks New Ground in KC," discussing how CPKC Stadium, the first stadium built in the United States for a women's professional sports team, came together and what could come next in the redevelopment efforts.
"It's certainly a point of pride for the community as a whole to see this level of investment, to some large extent, into equity and diversity," Frantze said. "I think you're going to see the same attitude and investment in women's professional soccer that you saw in men's professional soccer 20 or 30 years ago. To have this city and this team be on the cutting edge of that, it's a very exciting thing."
Frantze represented the Kansas City Current in the property acquisition, approvals, construction and development of CPKC Stadium, which sits on land owned by Port KC. The team signed a 30-year lease agreement with options that could extend to 50 years with lease renewals. Frantze says Port KC will continue to own the land that also includes the stadium site, and the Current will effectively control development and operation of the stadium with approval rights from Port KC on behalf of the community.
In addition to Frantze, Stinson attorneys involved in representing the Current include Richard Cook, Christopher Frantze, Karl Phares and Judd Treeman.
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