
McIntosh Analyzes Risks and Best Practices for Wearable Tech in IPWatchdog Column

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Stinson LLP Of Counsel Jenifer McIntosh, CIPP, authored a column for IPWatchdog, "Wearables and Personal Data: Risks, Considerations and Protections," exploring privacy and data security vulnerabilities in wearable devices and offering recommendations for wearable development and marketing.

"While consumers love these devices, they are also demanding transparency about the data collected by those devices, as well as consequences for those who mistreat or are dishonest about the use of that data," she writes. "This valuable data is governed by laws, regulations and best practices, which are actively enforced by regulators and consumers alike." She also provides insight on the privacy compliance and security laws and regulations that have gained traction in the U.S. since 2018.

McIntosh says it's important for companies in the wearables industry to know what data is used, stored, bought and collected to build a data map and lay the foundation for accurate accounting of the risks associated with its data, secure their data by conducting meaningful, real audits of security susceptibilities, and to notify users in a timely and impactful manner about use of personal data.

"There may be no ceiling for what amazing things wearables can provide, but companies need to wear their tech privacy on their sleeve to get past the growing minefield of privacy compliance."

McIntosh has over 20 years of experience applying privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, internet and consumer protection laws to business activities. She also frequently handles commercial litigation cases, including complex contract and licensing disputes, patent litigation, business torts and regulatory investigations defense.

Read the full column.


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