
MSBA Construction Law Section Elects Jessica Knox as New Council Member

Press Release

Stinson LLP attorney Jessica Knox has been elected as a council member for the Minnesota State Bar Association's (MSBA) Construction Law Section. Section council leaders elected Knox to serve in this role for the 2022-2024 term, effective July 1.

The MSBA Construction Law Section is dedicated to improving the practice of construction law with a mission to enhance the skills of Minnesota attorneys practicing in the area, and serves as a liaison with other sections of the MSBA and other construction groups to address issues that concern the construction industry. 

"Having represented public entities to representing contractors and subcontractors on construction projects and working on government contracts and bid disputes, while being a female attorney in construction law, I bring a unique perspective to the council," Knox said. "I'm honored to serve the Minnesota Bar in my new role and I'm looking forward to helping other construction attorneys, deepening their connection with the Minnesota Bar."

Knox is a litigation associate who assists clients with complex business and commercial matters. She has a comprehensive understanding on issues relating to construction, real estate, property tax and premise liability. Knox gives back to the community through pro bono legal services and volunteers with the firm's Deinard Legal Clinic and Wills for Heroes program.

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