
Steve Quinlivan Provides Commentary to Law360's Review of SEC Guidance on Ukraine Disclosures

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In a Law360 article titled "SEC Notifies Companies Of Ukraine Disclosure Obligations," Stinson LLP Partner Steve Quinlivan comments on the significance for companies with direct and indirect operations in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine.

This is the newest guidance by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) pertaining to disclosures obligations as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war. 

Though companies can update periodic filings on their own to reflect new risks, Quinlivan expects companies with global operations will still take the SEC's guidance into account on quarterly reports.

"I thought the SEC guidance was remarkable in its thoroughness," Quinlivan said. "They appeared to leave no stone unturned."

Representing clients across the United States, Quinlivan has a strong reputation in mergers and acquisitions, securities regulation and offerings, ESOPs, REITs, international transactions and financing matters. He assists clients on SEC reporting matters, advises boards of directors in corporate governance and liability issues and works with litigation teams defending officers and directors. Quinlivan uses his deep background in law, finance, accounting and project management to complete his clients' most important and challenging assignments.

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