
Stinson's Heidi Wicker Elected President-Elect of Women in Housing & Finance

Press Release

Stinson LLP Partner Heidi Wicker has been installed as the President-Elect of Women in Housing & Finance, Inc., (WHF) a nonpartisan association of women and men that serves as a forum for critical issues in housing and financial services. Wicker, who served as WHF Vice President for the 2022-2023 year, will serve as President-Elect for 2023-2024. 

"WHF has provided absolutely invaluable networking opportunities over the course of my career with both government leaders and private sector industry personnel alike, as well as mentoring and other professional development opportunities," Wicker said. "It is a vibrant organization of women and men, and I am excited to next contribute in my new role as President-Elect."

As President-Elect, a major responsibility of Wicker's will be planning the annual WHF Spring Symposium, a full-day conference for both the banking and financial services and housing industries. She will also further the WHF commitment to actively promoting its members in the fields of housing and financial services while retaining a focus on its women members in the DC metropolitan area and beyond.

WHF is the sister organization to the WHF Foundation, which supports women and underserved populations through the support of financial literacy and the empowerment of women through direct financial grants, community service initiatives and scholarships.

Wicker focuses her practice on banking, payments law, FinTech and financial regulatory matters, and has represented clients in each segment of the industry for nearly two decades. Her immense depth of industry knowledge provides invaluable insight to companies concerning legal issues related to developing new products and services, regulatory licensing and compliance matters and structuring agreements with financial institutions, third parties, or FinTech companies. She has been a member of WHF since 2004.

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Elle Moxley
Media Relations Manager

Amanda Bowling
Director of Marketing

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