John couples his legal know-how with a deep understanding of the public and private energy sectors to effectively serve his clients.


John has a broad range of experience representing clients on energy-related issues before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), state public utility commissions, and federal and state courts. He has worked on a wide variety of energy regulatory matters, including electric and natural gas market design issues, regional transmission organization-related matters, FERC rulemaking and policy-setting proceedings, North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) electric reliability policy and compliance issues, utility ratemaking, new interstate gas pipeline project certifications, oil pipeline rate regulation under the Interstate Commerce Act, and energy-related merger reviews. An accomplished administrative litigator, John’s experience also includes appellate matters before federal and state courts.

A particular focus of John's practice has been representing municipal electric utilities in FERC electric and natural gas matters, and prior to rejoining Stinson in 2023, John worked as Senior Regulatory Counsel at the American Public Power Association. In addition, John has frequently represented electric cooperatives, state public utility commissions and state consumer advocates in FERC proceedings.

He currently serves on the board of directors of the Energy Bar Association, an international nonprofit association of attorneys active in all areas of energy law.


Served as in-house counsel for a municipal utility trade association advocating on behalf of association members on numerous FERC-related matters, including highly significant industry rulemaking proceedings, precedent-setting administrative litigation and noteworthy appeals.

Represented a transmission owner in FERC proceedings addressing electric transmission cost allocation and rate design matters in PJM Interconnection.

Represented a transmission owner in lengthy and complex stakeholder process to develop and file a revised cost allocation method for new electric transmission facilities in PJM Interconnection in response to FERC's Order No. 1000.

Represented a municipal utility in negotiation of 2016 FERC natural gas pipeline rate settlement.

Represented state attorney general's consumer bureau in 2014 FERC natural gas pipeline rate proceeding.

Advised clients with respect to FERC electric transmission formula rate issues.

Represented large municipal electric utility in FERC proceedings evaluating proposed mergers of investor-owned electric utilities in the client's region.

Represented state attorney general's consumer bureau in FERC proceedings and associated appeals (including appeals to the United States Supreme Court) addressing the electricity crisis in California and the Western United States during 2000-2001.

News & Insights

Speaking Engagements

John has been a frequent speaker on FERC regulatory matters at industry conferences and educational seminars.


"3 Power Rulings Change Outlook For Transmission Cos.," Law360, January 2024



Selected to the 2024 - 2025 Lawdragon 500 Leading U.S. Energy Lawyers guide

Recognized in the Energy Law category from the 15th through the 24th editions of The Best Lawyers in America.

Selected to Washington, DC Super Lawyers, Energy & Natural Resources, 2010, 2013-2015, 2017.

Professional & Civic Activities

Professional & Civic Activities

Energy Bar Association

Former Co-Editor-in-Chief, EBA Brief

Montgomery Ancient Mariners U.S. Masters Swimming Team, Board of Directors


  • District of Columbia, 1997
  • Massachusetts, 1995
  • United States Supreme Court
  • U.S. Courts of Appeals for the First, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, and DC Circuits


George Washington University Law School, J.D., 1995
Boston College, B.A., magna cum laude, 1992

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