Quint leverages his scientific background to assist clients navigate complex regulatory and business questions across the environment, energy, and transportation industries.


Quint's practice ranges across many topics in the environmental, energy, transportation, and life sciences industries. His work focuses on assisting clients facing regulatory, transactional, and litigation matters.

Quint has represented clients in several states facing compliance questions in deal structure, operations, and incident response. He has also assisted clients navigating regulatory inquiries from federal agencies, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Quint has experience ensuring that deal structures and property transfers are in compliance with state and federal laws. He has helped manufacturers of health care products assess regulatory risks stemming from new and evolving environmental regulation.

Quint holds a research-based Master of Environmental Science degree. He has worked as a researcher on multiple environmental science investigations and has fluency in scientific topics across the environmental field. He is also adept at designing and executing statistical analysis using the programming languages R, Python, and JavaScript.

Prior to joining Stinson, Quint gained legal experience as an intern for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Attorney General, where he researched and advised on issues pertaining to the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and other significant regulatory laws.

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  • Texas


Yale Law School, J.D., 2022

Yale School of the Environment, MESc, 2022

University of Arizona, B.S., Natural Resources, 2017

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