
Stinson Establishes Coronavirus Task Force to Support Clients

Press Release

Stinson LLP has established a Coronavirus Task Force in support of short and long-term business needs as COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus, impacts companies and affects workforces and the global supply chain. The task force provides subject matter authorities as a quick-response team with current, authoritative legal guidance on the ever changing aspects of how COVID-19 impacts business.

"From the onset of the virus, Stinson attorneys have been supporting clients with up-to-date and coordinated legal guidance, and timely alerts on the legal issues surrounding this virus," said Molly Walsh Keppler, partner and task force leader. "This is a time when business leaders are making decisions that affect customers, employees and communities. To ensure our clients have counsel to support these difficult decisions, our task force provides creative, strategic guidance on immediate and forward planning needs."

The Coronavirus Task Force leverages Stinson's bench strength of nearly 500 attorneys across 13 locations. Stinson Coronavirus Task Force members include:

Task Force Leaders

Task Force Members

Stinson LLP collaborates with clients ranging from individuals and privately held enterprises to national companies and international public corporations. Our accomplished attorneys leverage deep knowledge and experience to deliver practical guidance, helping clients minimize risks and realize opportunities. We take pride in our collaborative approach, our lasting relationships and our unique perspectives. Connect with us at one of our 13 offices nationwide and at

Current COVID-19 Client Alerts:

Stinson LLP: COVID-19 Preparedness and Service

COVID-19 - Minnesota's Response

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The Impact of the Coronavirus on the Global Supply Chain

Media Contact

Elle Moxley
Media Relations Manager

Amanda Bowling
Director of Marketing

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