
Stinson's health care and insurance lawyers advise health plans, providers and life science companies in handling the transactional, regulatory and governance challenges presented in today's rapidly evolving health care marketplace. With aggregate in-house industry experience of over half a century, our health care and insurance team has the ability to approach our clients' challenges in the context of their business objectives.

Our practice focuses on three general health care disciplines—health plans and insurance, medical facilities and professionals, and life science, medical device and pharma. In addition to the discipline specific capabilities described below, we routinely work in cross-disciplinary teams to address legal challenges that transcend any particular categorization, such as:

  • Developed an off shore insurer to guaranty promises of cost savings by an affiliated health service provider.
  • Helped establish a national platform for telehealth and remote monitoring.
  • Developed innovative volume-based pricing models for pharma and PBM clients to minimize risk of insurance regulation.

Our capabilities include mergers and acquisitions of health care and insurance entities; tax exempt and non-profit organizations; insurance regulation; FDA regulation; Medicare/Medicaid regulations, including Stark, anti-kickback, False Claims Act, and Civil Monetary Penalties issues; state licensing; and accreditation of health care providers.

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