
Stinson, Murdock Recognized on Inaugural Missouri Women-Led Law Firms List

Press Release

Stinson LLP is recognized on the Missouri Lawyers Media 2024 Missouri Women-Led Law Firms list. The inaugural list features firms with at least four attorneys in which the founding partners are women, as well as law firms that are run by women. Stinson is one of 19 firms recognized by the publication.

Since 2021, Stinson has been led by its first-ever female Managing Partner Allison M. Murdock. She helped to guide the firm through a worldwide pandemic along with instituting hybrid work environment policies. She also helped develop best practices for fostering a culture of professional and personal growth, including increasing access to career-building opportunities for early-career female attorneys. With Murdock as the firm's managing partner, Stinson has also seen an increase in revenue year-over-year.

Murdock provides advice for female attorneys aspiring to be law firm leaders and encourages them to seek out leadership roles wherever they can. "Get involved in internal, firm leadership roles that allow you the opportunity to demonstrate your leadership skills and, hopefully, meet attorneys who you might otherwise not interact with regularly," she said. "This allows you to broaden your internal network by gaining the confidence of those outside your team or practice division."

As Stinson's managing partner, Murdock has ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the firm's operations and performance, including development and implementation of the firm's strategic initiatives. Her focus is on leading and growing a client-focused and community-engaged firm. Murdock is also a member of Stinson's board of directors and executive committee.

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Elle Moxley
Media Relations Manager

Abigail Schoenrade
Communications Specialist

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